Project Overview
Facility: BG Products, Inc.
General Contractor: Adam Doll, Dondlinger Construction Co.
Architect: Vince Haines, Gravity::Works Architecture
Services: Lightweight Insulating Concrete Roof Deck (LWIC)
Project Overview
The Nettles Construction team worked with Gravity::Works Architecture and Dondlinger Construction to install a lightweight insulating concrete (LWIC) roof deck on a large expansion at a distribution center of BG Products. The project was completed in July 2019.
Dondlinger values partnerships with companies which are efficient, timely and knowledgeable. WestPro (Nettles) Construction meets all these criteria. We would gladly work with them again and will be referring them whenever possible. ”
Adam Doll, Dondlinger Construction
The Problem
BG Products, Inc., located in El Dorado, KS, is a manufacturing company which produces products and equipment for vehicle maintenance. The company was expanding their original 300,000 square foot distribution center with a 125,000 square foot addition and needed a roof deck system that would last the life of the building, provide a high R-value, and be cost-effective.
The project was designed with precast Double Tees. The Double Tees are designed with positive camber and when set end to end the positive camber causes valleys to be formed that will pond water.
The Nettles Solution
For the roof deck of the new construction, LWIC was the perfect solution. LWIC is a permanent roof insulation system that is competitively priced with traditional roofing systems.
When it comes time to reroof a building that has a LWIC roof deck system, you only remove the roof membrane and replace only the roof membrane, not the roof insulation. As a result, LWIC roof deck systems have a much lower total cost of ownership (TCO).
Nettles also used LWIC as a solution to fix the water pooling problem on the new precast Double Tee roof structure. Specifically, Nettles first used LWIC to level the valleys developed by the positive camber of the Double Tees. On top of this initial layer of LWIC, Nettles installed a layer of EPS roof insulation. Once the EPS was in place, Nettles installed a 2” thick topping of LWIC, which will provide a monolithic base for attachment of the roofing membrane. The LWIC restricts the expansion and contraction (movement) of the EPS, which will then reduce the stresses put on the roofing membrane by the substrate moving. LWIC will increase the life of the roof membrane and the value of the building.
The job went well. It was excellently managed by Dondlinger Construction. Adam Doll and Vince Haines were great to work with. Everything flowed. We would love to work with this team again.”
Gary Davenport, Nettles Construction Solutions
One of the benefits of LWIC is its bond to the precast concrete. Other benefits of LWIC include that it provides excellent insulation values, it sets up quickly, and it can be sloped to meet the particular requirements of the building.
Nettles completed the work on time and in budget. In addition, the roof deck now properly drains and ponding has been eliminated. The architect, GC, and owner were thrilled with the results.
If you want to learn more about how Nettles can help you solve your commercial roof deck needs, contact us.